On the occasion of Blessed Bail Moreau’s birthday, our school celebrated with a remarkable virtual exchange between our leaners and leaners from St. Joseph’s Higher Secondary School in Bangladesh. The event was graced by the presence of two members of the general administration in Rome (Brother Prodip Placid Gomes, C.S.C, Second Assistant General, Congregation of Holy Cross, Education Portfolio and Brother Adolf Mugume, C.S.C, Director of Communications for the Congregation of Holy Cross.

Brother Leo James Pereira, C.S.C, Principal, SJHSS

More so, two school principals Brother Leo James Pereira, C.S.C, Principal, SJHSS and Father Prosper Atukwatse, C.S.C, Principal, HCLVSSS were in attendance with faculty members, and two focused groups of students from SJHSS and HCLVSSS who engaged in thoughtful discussions around several key questions about their internationally shared values of a wholistic education in the faith. Where St. Joseph’s strives to educate students advancing in wisdom and virtues and Holy Cross educates students to serve in virtues.

HCLV Students During the Discussions

Both schools sung their National Anthems and school Anthems. Holy Cross Lake View led in prayers and sung the Holy Cross Anthem: Cross of our Hope! Which led the interaction into discussing the following questions.

a. Can you share a little about yourself and your family?
b. You see members of the Holy Cross congregation in your schools daily; what insights can you offer about their mission and work?
c. Given the numerous schools in your area, what influenced your decision to attend a Holy Cross School?
d. Each of your schools boasts a rich cultural diversity. How does this environment affect your learning experience? Does it contribute positively to your education and personal development? If so, how?
e. In what ways is your school supporting you in achieving academic success and developing skills for a promising future?
f. What are the fundamental values upheld by your school? Are you actively embracing these values and applying them in your life? How do you do this?
g. Climate change poses a significant threat to our world. What are your thoughts and actions regarding this issue? How do you plan to care for each other and for our shared home, Mother Earth, as emphasized in Laudato Si?
h. Can you list the important national days celebrated by your school and country? What significance do these days hold?
i. Please share insights into the cultural heritage, traditions, festivals, and customs that define your school and country.
j. What vision do you hold for your future? What kind of person do you aspire to become? What elements support your aspirations?
k. Any gentle suggestions to your teachers, to your classmates and your school students and to the global Holy Cross Schools, administrators, teachers and students.
l. Any questions to others

The nicely engaging dialogue fostered understanding and connection across borders, both teachers and students interacted cohesively highlighting the shared values and diverse experiences of the students involved. Holy Cross lake view strive to be a school that fosters and education of Hope and service is show we educate the hearts.

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