Lavisco | News Desk
February 15th, and 16th 2025, were momentous days at HCLV as we welcomed our senior one class of 2025. The campus was filled with excitement, as the long-awaited babies of the school arrived.

The dedicated staff, both teaching and non-teaching, guided in the arrival process. The School Scouts Club, smart in their uniforms and beaming with enthusiasm, played a vital role in welcoming our esteemed senior class 2025 which turned up in big numbers with their parents.
As usual the scouts in their responsibility of cultivating character and shaping future citizens through the use of active methods, they helped guide our new students through the orientation to the campus settling in etc. while ensuring a safe and secure environment.

A devoted team of staff members worked diligently to verify that each new student met the school’s admission standards, ensuring they were fully equipped for a successful academic journey.
We express our sincere gratitude to all parents for entrusting the us with their children’s education. The Holy Cross Family is committed to nurturing young people to completeness while, empowering them to develop into well-rounded citizens capable of making a positive impact in their communities and society at large.