Name: Muwanika Jdiobe, Ph.D.
Years at Lake View: 2008 to 2013
House: Lwanga
Favorite Memory at HCLV: Mostly all memories
Favorite School Program at HCLV: School Science Fair
University attended: Oklahoma State University
Years of Study: 2015 to 2024
Discipline: Aerospace Engineering
Year of Graduation: 2019, 2020, 2024
Level and Course of Graduation: Bsc. Aerospace Engineering
Bsc. Mechanical Engineering
Ms. Aerospace Engineering
Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering
Profile MUWANIKA IDIOBE: Ph.D. in aerospace engineering at 29
Oklahoma State University: May 2024
In the News: Ugandan gets PhD in aerospace engineering at 29
After completing his primary education, Dr. Jdiobe attended Holy Cross Lake View Secondary School in Jinja, Uganda, from 2008 to 2013, where he pursued his “O” and “A” levels. As a member and president of Lwanga House, Dr. Jdiobe actively participated in extracurricular activities, including student leadership and the Red Cross club, which helped him develop valuable skills and fostered a sense of community engagement and social responsibility.
In 2012 and 2013, Dr. Jdiobe’s passion for science and engineering shone through when he participated in science fairs organized by his school under the leadership of Mr. Wante Erisa. During these events, he demonstrated his innovative spirit and technical aptitude by designing and constructing an alternating current generator, a turbine, and a simple waterfall to generate hydroelectric power. He also built a simple uncontrolled helicopter using locally available, low-tech materials.

These projects showcased Dr. Jdiobe’s resourcefulness and creativity in applying scientific principles learned in class to real-world challenges. His experiences at the science fairs proved to be a pivotal moment in his life, inspiring him to pursue his dream of becoming an Aerospace Engineer. The success of his projects and the recognition he received from his peers and mentors gave him the confidence and motivation to embark on a career path that would allow him to combine his love for science, engineering, and innovation.
Dr. Muwanika Jdiobe’s university academic journey began in 2015 at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, United States of America. His outstanding performance as an undergraduate student set the stage for his continued success in academia and his future contributions to the field of aerospace engineering. Dr. Jdiobe pursued dual degrees in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, demonstrating his dedication and aptitude for these disciplines. The recognition he received for his scholarly achievements and leadership during his undergraduate studies further highlighted his potential to make significant contributions to the field and society.
In 2020, Dr. Muwanika Jdiobe graduated with a Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering from Oklahoma State University, the same institution where he later pursued his Ph.D. During his master’s program, Dr. Jdiobe focused his research on autonomous systems, particularly Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). His master’s thesis, titled “Design and Development of a Water Observatory: An Autonomous Environmental Sampling System for In-Situ Sensing of Lakes and Rivers,” showcased his innovative approach to tackling environmental challenges using autonomous technology.
In his thesis, Dr. Jdiobe designed and built MANUEL (Mobile Autonomously Navigable USV for Evaluation of Lakes), an autonomous boat equipped with embedded sensor probes that are in direct contact with the water. MANUEL can monitor various water quality parameters, including dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, and nutrients, with the data collected by these sensors stored on board the vessel. Utilizing digital maps and GPS technology, MANUEL can autonomously map an entire lake without any human intervention, even in conditions that would be unsuitable for human operators, such as high winds or storms.
The development of MANUEL demonstrates Dr. Jdiobe’s skill in integrating advanced technologies to create practical solutions for environmental monitoring. The autonomous boat has proven valuable for monitoring algae in Oklahoma lakes, providing crucial data for researchers and environmental agencies. While pursuing his master’s degree, Dr. Jdiobe also worked as a graduate research assistant for the Oklahoma Aerospace Institute for Research and Education, further preparing him for his future endeavors.
Dr. Jdiobe’s master’s thesis and the development of MANUEL highlight his commitment to using aerospace engineering to address real-world challenges, contributing to the advancement of the field and impacting the management and conservation of water resources in Oklahoma. The successful completion of his master’s degree and impactful research laid the foundation for his subsequent pursuit of a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, where he continued to explore the applications of autonomous systems and aeroacoustics in the context of small UAVs.
Muwanika Jdiobe’s pursuit of a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University, which he began in January 2021, reached a successful conclusion. In May 2024, Dr. Jdiobe graduated with his doctoral degree, marking a significant milestone in his academic and professional journey.
During his time at Oklahoma State University, Jdiobe focused his dissertation on the “Aeroacoustic Characterization of Coaxial Ducted Propellers/Rotors for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).”
This research topic was highly relevant and timely, given the increasing popularity and applications of small UAVs in various industries. Dr. Jdiobe’s dissertation involved a comprehensive investigation of the noise generation mechanisms associated with coaxial ducted propellers and rotors used in small UAVs. He employed computational modeling, and theoretical analysis to develop a thorough understanding of the aeroacoustic behavior of these propulsion systems.
Throughout his research, Jdiobe utilized his expertise in tools such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational AeroAcoustics (CAA) to simulate and predict the noise generation characteristics of coaxial ducted propellers and rotors. His findings have contributed to the identification of potential noise reduction strategies and the development of quieter, more efficient, and environmentally friendly UAV propulsion systems.
Work with Boeing
Muwanika is an accomplished aerospace engineer working for The Boeing Company in the United States, where he specializes in aeroacoustics – the study of noise generated by aircraft and its components. His primary focus is on aircraft noise prediction and analysis, as well as the design, development, and validation of noise control technologies for various aircraft elements, including structural, airframe, propulsion systems, nacelle, rotor, and component parts. Dr. Jdiobe’s work is crucial in ensuring that Boeing’s aircrafts comply with stringent noise regulations, requirements, and system qualifications.
Dr. Jdiobe utilizes advanced tools such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational AeroAcoustics (CAA) for aircraft noise prediction, employing techniques like Ffowcs Williams & Hawkings surfaces, grid generation technologies, and numerical algorithms for computational wave propagation. Additionally, he leverages lower-order physics-based noise prediction tools to analyze and understand acoustic trends by examining steady and unsteady aerodynamic flow features.
Dr. Jdiobe’s expertise and dedication to the field of aeroacoustics have positioned him as a valuable asset to The Boeing Company. His contributions play a significant role in the development of quieter and more efficient aircraft, while ensuring that the company remains compliant with increasingly stringent noise regulations within the aerospace industry. Through his work, Dr. Muwanika Jdiobe is helping to shape the future of aviation, making air travel more environmentally friendly and less disruptive to communities near airports.
Professional Technical committees
Muwanika is an active contributor to the field of aeroacoustics and aircraft noise. He serves on several key technical committees, including the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aeroacoustics Technical Committee, NASA Acoustics Technical Working Group, and UAM Noise Working Group. In these roles, Muwanika collaborates with other experts to advance research and develop solutions related to noise generated by aircraft and urban air mobility (UAM) vehicles.